Monday, November 10, 2014

Day 38

Mabry is still under her "SuperDome" oxygen hood. She is at 27% oxygen, no changes to her feedings. She will have blood gas tomorrow. Alex was been destating this morning. His oxygen has been up to 64%, currently at 57%. He had blood transfusion yesterday, & they are giving him lasiks today because they think he looks puffy. He has no labs today. His feedings are the same, but they are giving him more liquid protein for extra calories.


  1. Thinking of you all and continuing to lift your entire family up in prayer. I can only imagine how difficult life is for all of you right now. Hugs.

  2. Just wanted to send, love prayers & thoughts! We think of your family all the time. Hug & kiss all 3 sweet lil one's for me. Love ya cuz!
