Friday, November 7, 2014

Care Conference Details -- Part 1 -- Mabry

Today we met with Alex and Mabry's doctors, several nurses, case manager, and footprints care coordinators.    We discussed active problems for Alex and Mabry and reviewed the goals for both of them.

Mabry -  She was infected at the time of her birth, and was under stress in utero which caused premature labor.   This brought her out early (and she brought her brother out with her) but the stress of the infection allowed her lungs to develop faster over the last few days/hours.   This advanced development partially explains why she is so far ahead of her brother, but may or may not cause her long term issues because it's obviously not good for a child to have an infection at 24 weeks gestational age.

Mabry will need extensive plastic surgery to repair her septum.  We saw her today without a cpap and she is a beautiful baby, but her septum is basically gone.   The risk to this surgery is putting a young child under anesthesia, but we will go with the doctors recommendations when the time comes.  I hope to delay her first surgery to occur around age 2.   In the meantime her Mom and I will get ready to explain this over and over to people who look at her and ask whats wrong with her nose.   One day when she asks why she needs surgery I hope to tell her that the reason there is a problem with her nose is the same reason that she is able to breathe.

Both children are still at risk for some negative outcomes (more on that coming later) but for now lets review some positives for Mabry.   She is tolerating feedings well, has good weight gain, and had a normal head ultra sound.  

  Later this weekend I will examine some of the potential outcomes for both children in depth and give a detailed update on Alex.  Thanks to everyone for their support and prayers.

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