Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Update from home

All babies are a lot of work. Twin babies are ,obviously, double the work. Twin babies with special health issues are even more work, and add on a 15 month old, it's exhausting. The first week or so we wrote down all their feedings & medications, so we wouldn't miss anything. It is most hectic in the morning and evening when they get their medications. 
A typical day goes something like this. First feeding is 2 oz breastmilk with 1 ml polyvisol & 1 ml D3, Alex gets a diueretic and Mabry just started a new medication for calcification in her kidneys. It is a smaller feeding to make sure they finish it and get all the medications. Sometime after that Alex gets a nebulizer treatment, pulmacort, to help treat his chronic lung disease. We have to check Mabry's blood pressure with a home Doppler, and give her medication for that. Because it is such a small amount of medicine, like 4 drops, for this we put a little milk directly in a nipple and put the medicine in, and have her drink it that way. Several times a day, Mabry get Ayr gel swabbed in her nose for her damaged septum. Throughout the day, of course, there are numerous feedings and diaper changes.  In the evening, Alex gets another nebulizer treatment, and Mabry gets dopplered again. She gets another dose of blood pressure medicine & her new medicine for calcification. Alex is still on oxygen and apnea monitor. The oxygen is a real burden, it is hard to move him around because he is tethered to a tank. We have a doctor appointment next week, hopefully he will come off the oxygen.

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