Friday, February 27, 2015

Follow up at Cardinal Glennon

Yesterday Alex & Mabry had follow-up appointments at Cardinal Glennon. First, Mabry had her auditory brainstem response test to check her hearing because she didn't pass her newborn hearing screen. I gave her a bottle to get her to sleep & held her while they performed the test. They put sensors in various places on her head and put a thing in her ear that makes clicking or beeping noises at different volumes. The sensors pick up whether her brain responds to the sounds. The test took close to 2 hours. Thankfully, she scored "near normal" hearing. Her right ear didn't detect the very lowest sounds, but for now it is not a major concern. She will have another hearing test at about 1 year adjusted age.
Alex had nursey follow-up appointment. He now weighs 9 pounds 15 ounces. They are very happy with his growth. His pulse ox while on his 1/8th liter was 100 (the highest it can be). Next we went down to lab for a blood draw. Tough little guy only let out one little cry. We came back to office and turned off his oxygen & was pulse ox'd for a half hour (or more). He did great, so he is now off oxygen. They also discontinued the daily D3 vitamin. In couple weeks, they may discontinue Alex's diuretic. Then a couple weeks after that he can come off the apnea monitor. Alex did wonderful his first night with no oxygen support. The apnea alarm didn't sound at all.

Before pic of Alex.

After pic of Alex.

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